I'm off on a new adventure to Dresden, Germany. Here you can find tales of my travels and images of my latest artwork.


Germany is so OLD!

In 1492 when Columbus was sailing the ocean to discover America (supposedly), Dresden was having its 58th Streizelmarkt.  Its ridiculous to think that America wasn't even a country yet (well, it was some land with native people and animals, but not the America we know now...) and across the ocean there was a country with cities and buildings and Christmas Markets!!

The market opens Thursday evening, so this was the last weekend for all the little houses to get set up and decorated.  Here are some photos of the progress:

The mall is also pretty decked out:

We walked out to the Blue Bridge (Blaues Wunder) to enjoy the cold.  They still had their outdoor biergarten open:

which was awesome because we got to watch them put up their giant christmas tree.

And now...   (drumroll)..... the first glimpse of the Christmas Market (because its the only thing open so far).... 


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