I'm off on a new adventure to Dresden, Germany. Here you can find tales of my travels and images of my latest artwork.


Our Weihnachtsbaum!

We went out last night to buy our Christmas Tree :)  We have an authentic Nordmann Fir... (ooo, sounds fancy, right?? But such is not the case- they are the weirdest shaped trees ever!)  The best part of our Christmas tree is the stand.  It too is authentic: a V4.  Very fancy.

After putting the tree in the car and bringing it home, up to our apartment, it was time to stand it up, give it a trim, and add the lights.  As we were turning it and arranging the lights to cover all the bare spots, I heard a strange rustling and thought our authentic German Tree Holder might not be as strong as we hoped.

Thankfully I was wrong.  The tree holder was even better than we hoped:  not only was it holding up a tree, but it was also supporting a climbing cat!

We had to settle for a tree that didn't have a sptizen, or top point because we wanted one that was pretty tall and didn't have too many holes in it.  I was a little bit worried about what to do with the top since there really wasn't anywhere to put the star...

problem solved
You'd think after climbing to the top once, she'd be done and just hang out on the ground, but Metzger found herself at the top of the tree at least 3 times before we went to bed (no telling how many times she climbed up and down during the night!!)

So now our apartment is ready for Christmas.

I think we all like the tree, but maybe one of us a bit more than everyone else...

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