I'm off on a new adventure to Dresden, Germany. Here you can find tales of my travels and images of my latest artwork.


O is for Orangutan

Orangutan is a strange word because it sounds like it should have a "g" at the end.  Regardless, they are pretty cool animals.  They're the best monkeys to watch at zoos because they're so playful... except for the older males- they just look really sad to me.

Here is the latest alphabet book page!

1 comment:

redapes said...

Did you know that the word Orangutan literally means Person (orang) of the Forest (hutan)?

Orangutans are critically endangered in the wild because of rapid deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations. If nothing is done to protect them, these beautiful, gentle creatures will be extinct in just a few years.

Visit the Orangutan Outreach website to learn how YOU can make a difference!

Orangutan Outreach
Reach out and save the orangutans!
Adopt an orangutan today!