I'm off on a new adventure to Dresden, Germany. Here you can find tales of my travels and images of my latest artwork.


Rabbit, Rabbit!

Happy June!  I can't believe that it's been almost a year since we arrived in here in Dresden and I had to say goodbye to Austin and Gullett and all my fantastic students and friends.  Time flies when you're having fun.

Today is not a beautiful sunny day.  It rained all last night, and is now a wonderful 60 degrees.  I LOVE it.

The rest of my stay in Dresden is filled with fun things like trips and weekends outside and bbqs (and some not fun things like paperwork for moving back and vet appointments for the kitties...).

Today I'm planning our second trip to Tropical Islands.  This time we're going on a group vacation and it should be awesome!

Rainy days are the best for baking, so I found this recipe for Chubby Hubby Brownies!  mmm... brownies...
photo courtesy of gingerbreadbagels.com

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