I'm off on a new adventure to Dresden, Germany. Here you can find tales of my travels and images of my latest artwork.


K is for Kangaroo and Krusti Rolls

I love Dresden because there are so many bakeries.  They all open early and make fresh baked bread every day.  In fact, there is one right below our apartment and my favorite smell (aside from fall smells discussed previously) is the smell of fresh baked bread in the morning.  They make these awesome "krusti" rolls that are really, well crusty, on the outside.  I think I could probably live on krusti rolls.

Also, K is for Kangaroo.

1 comment:

Mindy Bass said...

Hey Kris, I'm reading your blog now, and getting very jealous-I wish I could be traveling around and having fun, eating good food and drinking beer...none of which are very easy to do with a 7 month old. Buut, I digress...I'm glad you're having a good time, and I was wondering what you are going to do with your ABC book when you are done (besides give it to the baby, of course) because I think it is super-cool and would love to get a copy for my girls! I can pay you! let me know. we miss you at Gullett,
Hugs, mindy (ms. bass)